This is devastating news me as this was the one time of year I could count on seeing Liz on a regular basis. You might say it was my Christmastime. I'm working getting one of those online petitions started to keep this show going until Liz actually dies - Of old age, in her bed surrounded by...ME! JKJKJKJKJK
Nights Liz will be performing MOTLD (all listed dates @7:30pm): Thurs 10/9, Fri 10/10, Sat 10/11, Fri 10/17,
Sat 10/18, Fri 10/24, Fri 11/7 & Sat 11/8
Nights Liz will be performing MOTLD (all listed dates @7:30pm): Thurs 10/9, Fri 10/10, Sat 10/11, Fri 10/17,
Sat 10/18, Fri 10/24, Fri 11/7 & Sat 11/8